L.A.P.T.I. x POUSTOVITdigital collage for L.A.P.T.I. x POUSTOVIT spring collection #chavaga #modernart #chavagacom #dnepr #lviv #odessa #kyiv #collage #fashion
#Denim icons for Levi'sProject #Denim icons for Levi's www.denim.bit.ua 25 collages from denim, portraits of famous and outstanding people. press:...
25 masterpieces of UkraineFrom ancient times to today Ukraine is leaving a bright trace in the history of culture, science and technology. On the occasion of the 25th
"IMAGO" Internation Binnalefirst place at "IMAGO" Internation Binnale fashion illustration, Ukraine fashion week 2016, Mystetskyi Arsenal/Kyv/Ukraine 2016
My art at Le Monde diplomatiqueFrench monthly newspaper Le Monde diplomatique, in Paris, that is dedicated to foreign policy, published my image titled "Crying Crimea"...